Trip to China
My trip to China last exactly 3 days and 4 nights. I fly from Tokyo to Beijing and
back to Tokyo. This page contains the few things I saw on my trip to Beijing, China.
I was not expecting what I saw in Beijing. There massive amounts of construction of new buildings. The cars on the road out number the bicyclist. 10-12 years ago the bicyclist outnumber the cars when I talked to people.
What will be most amazing is that the last day I spent in Beijing the National Congress passed a law protecting private property rights and giving people the right to own property. This single law may make China a socialist country instead of a communist country, and this law will be the beginning of the fall of communism in China.
I was not expecting what I saw in Beijing. There massive amounts of construction of new buildings. The cars on the road out number the bicyclist. 10-12 years ago the bicyclist outnumber the cars when I talked to people.
What will be most amazing is that the last day I spent in Beijing the National Congress passed a law protecting private property rights and giving people the right to own property. This single law may make China a socialist country instead of a communist country, and this law will be the beginning of the fall of communism in China.
Hotel Room
My hotel room was huge in the upscale Chateau de Luze. The room had living room, office,
a dining area bedroom downstairs and a bedroom upstairs. It contained 2 full bathrooms. What was so amazing was the
price at just over $125.00 USD per night.
Tianamen Square
Tianamen Square is a very famous in China. It could be compared to the mall in Washington DC. All of the
important government buildings line the square. Most of China's important politic events happen in the square as well. I remember the square from 1989 when there was a protest
and the communist regime put down the protest with violence. The obelisk in sits almost in the middle of the square and is a monument to the war heroes of the civil war.
National Museum of China
The National Museum of China is closed for renovations. I took the picture of the
Olympics sign since Beijing will host the 2008 summer games. There seems to be great civic pride in the fact that
the olympics will be showcasing China. Everywhere one looks there is Beijing 2008 sign.
Shrine to Chairman Mao Zedong
Known to the people of China as Chairman Mao. Mao was the leader of
modern day China it's formation after the civil war in 1949 till his death in 1978 This is the shrine to Chairman Mao.
Mao's historical relevance is diminishing as China continues it move from a communist country to a socialist democracy.
The memorial has two lions one female and one male at each end shown in the last two pictures.
International Incident
I took of picture of this guard without asking and almost created an international incident.
Let's just say he was not too happy with me.
Beijing Hotel
Apparently this is the premiere hotel in Beijing. I just liked the entrance.
5th Avenue Beijing Style
Apparently this is street Wang Fu Jing is the equivalent of 5th avenue NY. I thought when
they said that in Tokyo the stores were pretty close. I was not impressed with 5th Avenue Beijing.
America's Great Company
McDonald's is one of America's great companies. We've exported it all over the world, and with
it we'll export our obesity too.